Michael Nunnally DC, FACO
Timeless Living, Ageless Health
Making sense of the Waves...is the process of true Healing. Our clinic offers the premiere tools for balancing and clearing the impediments to ageless health. The wave frequencies of allergies, pain, fears and disease interfere with our full expression. We can clear out these disruptive waves. The result...physically healthier, emotionally clearer, spiritually connected.
WaveMaker Pro
Your body’s electricity contains all of the information relating to your health and any imbalances, both physical and psychological. The Wavemaker instrument can literally cancel out the electrical waves in your body relating to health problems, addiction, allergies, and other physical and emotional issues. read more...
Cold Laser
The Erchonia PL5000 is proven to be effective in reducing and eliminating acute and chronic pain. Many patients find that this solution is a much more effective and immediate alternative to traditional pain medications. Combined with chiropractic and other therapies, the Erchonia laser can help patients lead a normal, active, and healthy life without debilitating pain. more...
Complete Care means creative approaches.
docnunnally.com 1482 S St Francis Dr Ste A Santa Fe NM 87505 505-982-7339