Michael Nunnally DC, FACO

Timeless Living, Ageless Health

Dr. Michael Nunnally is a holistic physician with a degree in Chiropractic and advanced Board Diplomate Certification in Orthopedics. He also has specialties in  Addictionology, Pain Management, and Animal Chiropractic.


Dr. Nunnally has been in private practice in Santa Fe for over 30 years. His diverse professional background and numerous specialty degrees enable him to understand the depth and complexity of your problems. Part of his comprehensive program for healing includes teaching you how to recognize your issues and care for yourself.


Dr. Nunnally has extensive background in kinesiology, exercise rehabilitation, yoga and ergonomics. He is well-trained in the fields of homeopathy, natural medicines and diet. His degree in addiction and mental health offers insight into how our body and mind influence each other. A thorough understanding of all aspects of your problems is necessary for recovery from chronic health issues.


Diplomate, American Board of Chiropractic Orthopedists

Fellow, Academy of Chiropractic Orthopedists

Certified, Veterinary Spinal Manipulation Therapy

Graduated Cum Laude from University of Western States

Diplomate of National Board of Chiropractic Examiners.

Licensed to practice Chiropractic in New Mexico.

Member, New Mexico Chiropractic Association

Past faculty member, student body Vice President, University of Western States.

docnunnally.com     1482 S St Francis Dr Ste A   Santa Fe NM 87505     505-982-7339